April 11

Hannah G. Solomon Award Nominations Due

12:00 am — 11:00 pm

5311 W. 75th St, Prairie Village, KS 66208

The Hannah G. Solomon Award is presented annually by NCJW of Greater Kansas City to an individual who has changed the lives of others through his or her leadership efforts and service just as our founder did.  The award should be given to a member who has helped to change and expand the role of others in vital areas of community life, and whose leadership in areas of NCJ W concern — improving the quality of life for women, children, and families — has motivated others to fight for change, and has resulted in progress and enlightenment in the community.  The criteria for the award is listed below, and we ask the NCJW of Greater Kansas City membership to submit nominations to the awards committee.  These nominations must be submitted in writing (NCJW office, 5311 W. 75th Street, Prairie Village, KS  66208) or by email (ncjwofkc@gmail.com) and received at the NCJW office no later than April 11, 2025.

Please keep your recommendation private from the nominee.

C R I T E R I A:

  • Recipient must be an NCJW member.
  • Recipient must be currently active in NCJW.
  • Recipient must be active within the community.
  • Current Section Executive Committee members are ineligible.
  • Ex-officio members of the Executive Committee are exempt from restrictions.

Download the Hannah G. Solomon Award application here

Learn more about Hannah G. Solomon here

See past winners here.