December 7
Johnson County Christmas Bureau (Evening event)
6:00 pm — 9:00 pm
9656 Quivira Road, Lenexa, Kansas 66215.
The Johnson County Christmas Bureau helps nearly 12,000 low income Johnson County neighbors each year by providing warmth and support during the holiday season. The neighbors helped have a family income below 150% of the poverty line and reside in Johnson County. Most of those we help have a member of the family who works but simply does not earn enough to rise about 150% of the poverty level.
1 in 9 Johnson County jobs pay less than $10.00 per hour. 1/3 of all Johnson County jobs pay less than $15.00 per hour. It takes more than $15.00 per hour for a family of four to pull themselves above $150% of the poverty level.
The Christmas Bureau has a similar set up to the Back to School Store but on a much large scale, with not only clothing and holiday gifts but food as well. We are fortunate to have signed up for three time slots on December