Calling all shoppers! It is time to shop for Suitcase to Start.
Calling all shoppers! It is time again to shop for Suitcase to Start. Please help by shopping at Walmart, or other stores (keep in mind we are on a budget!) for much needed supplies. Attached are five shopping lists to choose from, each with two columns: the first indicating the items needed, and the second specifying the quantity required.
Here’s how you can help:
- Select a shopping list (including all items on that list) that works for you. For example, if you select Kitchen #1, you will purchase 4 sets of pots and pans, 5 toasters, 2 baking sheets, etc.)
- Email Stephanie Herman ( – with your selection so that we can avoid duplicate shopping trips. Lists will be given out on a first come first serve basis.
- Purchase the items on your chosen list.
- Copy and email your receipt to Stephanie Herman. Stephanie will submit your receipt to our treasurer, Barbie Rogoff, so she can reimburse you.
- Please have all your items ready by January 5th. Then, join us on Saturday, January 5 at 11:00 to drop the supplies off at our storage facility:
Louisburg Square
9407 W. 87th Street, Overland Park - If you have any questions or would like to pick up a shopping list, please reach out to Stephanie.
Thank you for your time and support! The kids that are aging out of foster care and receiving these items are very grateful!!
Set of Pots and Pans | 4 |
Toaster | 5 |
Baking Sheets | 2 |
Cutting Board | 4 |
Measuring cups | 4 |
Measuring spoons | 2 |
Knife Set | 3 |
Spatula Set | 2 |
Mixing Bowls | 5 |
Colander | 1 |
KITCHEN #2 Need:
Set of Dishes for 4 | 4 |
Cutlery for 4 | 2 |
Coffee Pot | 4 |
Coffee Mugs (set of 4) | 3 |
Plastic cups (set of 4) | 1 |
Can opener | 2 |
Oven Mitts | 2 |
Dish Towels | 2 |
Dish Soap | 2 |
Twin Comforter | 2 |
Twin Sheets | 4 |
Twin XL comforter | 1 |
Twin XL sheets | 1 |
Full Comforter | 4 |
Full Sheets | 9 |
Pillow | 4 |
Hanger set | 3 |
Towel set (2 bath/2 hand/2 wash) | 5 |
Shower Curtain & rings | 5 |
Toothbrush | 5 |
toothpaste | 5 |
Deodorant (need 1 male, 1 female) | 2 |
Lotion | 3 |
Shampoo | 3 |
Conditioner | 3 |
Brushes | 3 |
Maxi pads | 5 |
tampons | 5 |
Large Storage Containers | 5 |
Laundry Basket | 2 |
Laundry detergent | 5 |
All Purpose Cleaner | 3 |
Glass Cleaner | 4 |
Broom and Dustpan | 5 |
mop | 5 |